1.What was the author’s early childhood fear of the water? How did it affect him in the rest of his life?

The author and his father once went the beach of California when the former was three or four. While playing in the surf of the sea, the author was knocked down by the water and was buried under it. His breath was gone and a deep fear developed in his mind.


2. Why was Douglas’ mother particular that he should not go to the Yakima River? How did she manage to keep the son away?

The Yakima River was treacherous. Drowning was common in it. By reminding him of each drowning incident, Douglas’ mother kept him away from the Yakima River.


3. What made the YMCA pool a safe place to learn swimming?

The YMCA pool at Yakima was not so deep. At the shallow end it was only three feet deep and at the deepest end it was nine. Moreover, the bottom of the pool was tiled, its slope was gradual and the water was clear.


4.  How did Douglas initially feel when he went to the Y.M.C.A pool? What made him feel comfortable?

As Douglas started going to the Y.M.C.A pool to learn how to swim, his childhood fears and memories of the unpleasant experience was revived. He gradually regained some confidence and started paddling with the help of water wings. He watched other boys and copied their style. Slowly he started feeling more comfortable.


5. What was the misadventure that happened while William Douglas was making his attempt to learn swimming in the YMCA pool?

Douglas was attempting to learn swimming in the YMCA pool. He was sitting on the side of the pool waiting for other boys to come. Unexpectedly a big boy arrived there, and, seeing Douglas sitting timidly, grabbed him and threw him onto the deepest part of the pool and left him to drown. Douglas landed inside the pool in a sitting position, swallowed water and went at once to the bottom of the pool.


6.  I was frightened, but not yet frightened out of my wits. What does this mean?

It was quite unexpected that Douglas was thrown into the deepest part of the YMCA Pool. The fact that he didn’t know swimming increased the risk and danger. But Douglas was not ready to overtaken by the sheer fear of sinking. On the contrary he strengthened his mind and got ready to apply his wit to overcome the situation.


7.  What were Douglas’ plans when he went down the water the first time?

Douglas was frightened at being hauled into the deep water but he was strategic even at such a crucial stage. While sinking, he planned to make a leap once his feet touched the tiled bottom of the water and consequently reach the surface and swim to the side and escape.


8. What did Douglas experience when he went down to the bottom of the pool for the first time?

Answer. When the author was going down to the bottom of the pool for the first time, those nine feet felt almost like ninety feet. His lungs were ready to burst, but somehow he summoned all his strength and sprang upwards, hoping to reach the surface, but he didn’t pop up to the surface like a cork, as he had imagined. When he opened his eyes he saw nothing but water, his hands too grabbed only water.


9. Why did Douglas fail to come to the surface of the pool as he hoped to? 

Ans. When Douglas was thrown into the pool by a muscular boy, he landed in a sitting position, swallowed water and touched the bottom. He was frightened but he had not lost his wit. He thought of a strategy to come up to the surface by making a big jump when his feet touched the bottom. But his lungs were about to burst. He thought to spring back to the surface like a cock but he moved slowly. He grew panicky and saw water everywhere. He reached up as if to catch a rope with his hands but he could not clutch water and was paralyzed.


10. What sort of terror seized Douglas as he went down the water with a yellow glow? How could he feel that he was still alive ?

When Douglas found himself deep down into the water with a yellow glow, stark terror gripped him. The terror ripped him apart and he had no control over it. The thumping of his heart and pounding in his head made him realise that he was still alive.


11. What were the thoughts that came to Douglas’s mind when he was going towards the bottom of the pool for the third time?

Ans. When Douglas went down the third time, his effort ceased. He relaxed and his legs felt limp. He felt there was nothing to be afraid of. It was nice and he felt drowsy, ready to sleep, too tired to jump. He felt he was floating and the tender arms of his mother were carrying him gently and putting him to sleep.

12.  ‘I crossed to oblivion and the curtain of life fell’. Why did the author make this remark?

Ans. The author had made three futile attempts to spring up to the surface but as his strength failed and energy got exhausted, he gave up and stopped all his efforts. He relaxed and passed into a state of unconsciousness and then there was no fear after that.

     > Value Points/ summary
     > NCERT Solutions


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